HKUGAPS   港大同學會小學
HKUGA Primary School

小一入學簡介會及資訊日活動網上登記Online Enrollment for P.1 Admission Promotion Seminar and Information Day Activities

登記日期Enrollment period
2025-03-13 13:00 to 2025-03-20 13:00
抽籤結果Drawing lots result
將於2025-04-03 13:00在本校網頁公佈。will be released through the school website on 2025-04-03 13:00

學生資料Student Information
學生英文姓名Student's English name
必須與香港出世證明或護照上相同The name should be identical to that on your HK birth certificate or passport
學生香港出生證明書/香港身分證號碼Student's HK Birth Certificate/HKID number
請填寫頭4個字,如證件號碼為A123456(7),請填上A123Please fill in first 4 digits. Please fill in A123 if the number is A123456(7)
學生出生年份Student's year of birth
學生在本學年(2024-2025)的幼稚園級別Student's year-level in kindergarten (2024-2025)
學生在本學年(2024-2025)就讀的幼稚園Student's kindergarten name (2024-2025)
上載學生證或學生手冊Upload student's card or student's handbook
有學生相片的一頁 (只接受jpg/jpeg格式, 最大5MB)The page with student's photo (jpg/jpeg format only, maximum 5MB)
家長資料Parent Information
家長英文姓名Parent's English name
家長的香港手提電話號碼Parent's Hong Kong mobile phone number
(電話號碼)(phone number)
(再次輸入電話號碼)(re-enter phone number)
自定密碼Custom passcode
(只限數字)(number only)
如遺失登記編號,可以使用自定密碼、家長的香港手提電話號碼及學生香港出生證明書/香港身分證號碼來自行查詢。請妥善保管自定密碼。If you lose the registration number, you can use a custom passcode, the parent's Hong Kong mobile phone number, and the student's HK birth certificate/HKID number to retrieve it. Please keep the custom passcode secure.
場次資料Session Information
報名參加資訊日場次Enrollment to the information day session

報名參加小一入學簡介會Enrollment to the P1 promotion seminar

  • 每個家庭只可登記一場。如有重覆登記,登記將會失效。Each family can only enroll for one session. In case of duplicate enrollment, all enrollments will be cancelled.
  • 簡介會將優先安排予適齡入讀2026-2027年度小一的學生家長。Students who are eligible to study in Primary One in the year 2026-2027 will be given priority to attend the P.1 Admission Promotion Seminar.
  • 由於各場名額有限,所有場次均以抽籤方法決定。Due to limited quota for each session, all sessions will be determined by a lottery draw.
  • 抽籤結果將於2025-04-03 13:00在本校網頁公佈。The result for the above will be released through the school website on 2025-04-03 13:00.
  • 中籤場次可供兩位家長及一位學生出席。Each session is available to two parents and one student to attend only.
  • 由於座位有限,簡介會只限一位家長出席。另一位家長可與學生參與資訊日活動。Due to limited seating, the promotion seminar is restricted to only one parent. The other parent can participate in the information day activities with the student.
  • 各場簡介會的內容相同,並將以廣東話進行。The content of all the seminars is the same and will be conducted in Cantonese.
  • 簡介會進行期間,請勿拍照、錄音及錄影。During the promotion seminar, please do not take any photos, audio or video recordings.